GPTW 2024 team

Another year of greatness: GPTW & 2023 wrapped

Päivi Mattila
Päivi Mattila

Honestly, last year was hard as hell. Not just for us techies, but for literally everyone, in every field. It was like a rollercoaster, except the safety bar is kinda loose, and you're not quite sure if you're thrilled or terrified.

Still somehow for us 2023 was another year of achievements, growth, and a whole lot of fun. And it shows! We've been certified as a Great Place to Work (GPTW) again! This certification isn't just handed out to anyone; it's given to organizations with a Trust Index of at least 65%, based on what teams like ours say about their workplace. Our Trust index is 91%. Here's some more Great™ results from the survey where we got full 100%:

People look forward to coming to work here.

I would strongly endorse my company to friends and family as a great place to work

Our customers would rate the service we deliver as "excellent".

Management hires people who fit in well here.

This is a physically safe place to work.

Our facilities contribute to a good working environment.

People here are treated fairly regardless of their gender, age, or sexual orientation.

People here are treated fairly regardless of disability.

People here are willing to give extra to get the job done.

People here quickly adapt to changes needed for our organization's success.

People care about each other here.

This is a fun place to work.

When you join the organisation, you are made to feel welcome.

When people change jobs or work units, they are made to feel right at home.

The funny thing is that our people who have said this is a great place to work are the reason WHY we actually are a great place to work. We have such talented, fun, and kind individuals in our team who can't be thanked or praised enough.

"What makes Digitalist Open Tech a Great Place to Work? ­The opportunity to influence matters concerning the whole organization and oneself, courage, curiosity, trust, open and genuine people"

Sure there was also valuable insight into what we need to do better, such as how we manage our company through this growth-stage, employee training program, and making sure everyone has a steady flow of meaningful tasks within our various client projects. Would've been really weird if there wasn't something in a team of 20 people to push forward.

Here's some greatness from last year that has made our whole team happy:

Growth like you wouldn't believe

Our company revenue skyrocketed by over 200%!

Super cool site launches

We churned out 16 new sites for clients, and trust me, they weren't just your average 'slap-it-together' sites. These were the big leagues – complex, data-driven, digital platforms that are still easy to use, scale, and manage. We eat complex for breakfast each of these have modern tech under the hood and so many cool features and functionalities you wouldn't believe! What you see is definitely not all you get with us.

Sharing is Caring & Compliments Cache

We kicked off our monthly meeting to openly discuss our work, learnings, and the overall vibe at the international hybrid office. It’s all about keeping those communication lines wide open and learning from our people. We also started a weekly Slack ritual, "Compliments Cache", where we patted each other on the back for surviving another week in the tech jungle. Because sometimes, a virtual high-five is all you need to keep going.

New teammates

We welcomed six new superstars to our crew – a frontend magician, IT wizard, sales superman, quality tester, marketing creator, and a full-stack developer. Each one bringing their unique skillset and quirks to the team.

More clients, more cool stuff to build

Four new clients hopped on board our crazy train, bringing fresh challenges and adventures from educational information services to service design industry.

Our very own look & feel

We upped our game with a fresh look & feel, put together a website, and socials to match. Because if you're going to survive a year like 2023, you might as well look good doing it.

Our tech toolkit gets better all the time

We have honed our skills in creating truly composable and headless web services, including products such as web platforms and customer portals, alongside our website development expertise.We have also ventured into new technologies, delving into data platforms like Directus and exploring open-source composable e-commerce solutions.

Epic company adventure in Spain

Remember our epic company trip to Spain? Three days of team time, marketing madness, and unforgettable moments in Villanueva de la Vera. From chilling by the pool to horseback riding in the mountains, we bonded like never before.

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