ISO mania

Digitalist Sweden is ISO certified

Mikko Laine
Mikko Laine

We proudly announce that our mother company Digitalist Sweden has been certified in quality (ISO 9001) and information security (ISO/IEC 27001)!

For you as a customer, this means several benefits. Let's start with the three most important:

  1. The certifications follow a systematic effort to constantly improve our deliveries
  2. Certifications ensure order and order and good quality
  3. That our own and our customers' information is processed securely

In Sweden, there are only 12 companies in our industry (Computer programming, computer consulting) that have these two certifications in combination.

Why is Digitalist doing this right now?

We have certified ourselves so that you as a customer can trust that we live up to our promises of good quality. In addition to this, Sweden and the rest of the world are in a security situation that is more challenging than in a long time. Partly due to serious global security policy, partly due to the ever-growing use of cloud services which together can create uncertainty about where data is stored and how it is handled. That our customers' data is and is kept in the right hands has never been more important. At Digitalist, we want our customers not only to be able to trust us, but it is reasonable that you set demands on all your suppliers.

Will it be more expensive to hire Digitalist now??

Quality costs money, but that is not the same as being "expensive". On the contrary, with a quality focus right from the start, errors and defects are avoided, which saves money quickly.

About ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is a standard for quality management for business processes in a company or an organization. A quality management system describes how to constantly improve and adjust the business to meet customers' needs.

A quality management system is a tool for management to lead the business and support the employees in the work being done. This means that the right thing is done at the right time with the right amount of resources - while we actively work on improvements and that follow-up takes place on an ongoing basis. With the help of ISO 9001, we as a company have built a common structure and agreed working methods that we all - from the management to the employees and sub-consultants - follow. We have documented our relevant routines and policies and they are easily accessible in our management system located on our intranet. All our employees - from management to employees and sub-consultants - can turn to the management system to see how we work, get answers to questions, what our processes are, what to do in the event of various events.

We have also carried out a comprehensive risk analysis of our Operation; both in terms of the internal work and our deliveries. Through these risk analyses, we get action plans that we use - it is a natural part of the continuous improvement work.

ISO 9001 is based on 7 principles

  • Customer focused
  • Leadership
  • Employee engagement
  • Process orientation
  • Improvement
  • Fact-based decisions
  • Relationship management

ISO 27001

We handle our customers' gold - their data - and through our independent certification, our customers can be sure that we handle their data with the utmost care and according to confidentiality, reliability and availability.

Through our work to deep dive into our systems, our information and our tools today we know what information assets we have, we know their value and how they interact with each other.

Our Statement of Applicability (SOA) is a blue print for our customers regarding  information security.

Our customers can feel secure that security risks (IT, business continuity, personnel, physical environment, etc.) are handled in an adequate way to protect the customer's information.

The information security management system effectively supports us in our work to:

  • strengthen control over costs for information security work
  • increase confidence in risk management
  • guarantee the confidentiality, accuracy and availability of operational information
  • strengthen preparedness against growing threats

Benefits of being certified

The advantages of being certified are many and we see these, among others

  • Customers can rest assured that we will be continuously evaluated and approved by an independent expert certification party
  • Our products and services are handled in a similar way throughout the delivery and we work to continuously improve; this also creates higher quality products and services
  • We have a very good structure in the entire operation
  • We have strengthened our preparedness for the growing threats that exists in the digital world in which we and our customers find ourselves
  • All our employees work in a similar way, which increases the reliability of the entire delivery

Advantages of using the standard

The standard can be used in all types of organizations. It provides a flexible tool for setting up and implementing a management system which, among other things, meets the organization's needs, goals, size and structure, as well as organizational processes for information security. The management system for information security provides effective support for organizations in the work of:

  • Strengthen control over costs for information security work
  • Increase confidence in risk management
  • Guarantee the confidentiality, accuracy and availability of business information
  • Strengthen preparedness against a growing threats

Digitalist's path to the certifications

During 2022, we have deliberately worked on inventorying our processes, policies and routines and posted this in our Management System, which is integrated into our intranet for all our employees. We have carried out in-depth risk analyzes of our operations and linked action plans to continuously improve our company. In the Management System, all our assets are also documented and determined. When it comes to information security, we have our Statement of Applicability (SOA) as a basis. If you are interested in reading this, contact us.

When we started this journey, we could not foresee how much work it actually was; the change journey we embarked on was very comprehensive and encompassed every nook and cranny of the business.

Through our ISO certification, we see that we get fewer misunderstandings and complaints and we work systematically to develop ourselves as a company and to constantly improve ourselves - we work on prevention instead of corrective work. We already see that we have streamlined our work and avoid reinventing the wheel.

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