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Switch to open source: a quick guide

Päivi Mattila
Päivi Mattila

Open source software is like your best tech buddy. It’s developed under a license that lets you peek at, tinker with, and even share its source code. You can grab it for free and even tweak it to fit your unique needs

So how do you make the switch to open source? Here are some tips to get you started:

Identify your software needs

Take a good, hard look at what software you're currently using. Which can you swap out for open source alternatives? There's an open source version for pretty much anything - office suites, graphic design software, you name it.

Research your options

Got your list of software to replace? Brilliant! Now, dive into some research to find the best open source alternatives. There are plenty of websites and forums brimming with info on open source software.

Test the software

Give your chosen open source software a whirl before you commit. Many offer free trials or demos, so seize the opportunity to make sure it's a good fit for your business. Better yet, contact us and let us help in making the best choice! We know our way around open tech!

So, there you have it! Switching to open source can seriously slash your expenses, while still offering high-quality software. By identifying your needs, doing your homework, testing the software, and training your team, you'll be well on your way to enjoying the benefits of open source.

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