DOT in the spot: Hetti Tamminiemi

Time to shine the spotlight on one of our superstars! 😎 Get ready to peek behind the scenes and get to know one of the incredible minds that keep our gears turning. So sit back, grab a coffee, and let's hear it from Hetti, one of our Delivery Managers!

Hey there! I'm excited to give you a peek into what drives me, both in my career and personal pursuits.

Working at DOT

Why did I join the DOT team in autumn 2022? Well, it's packed with talent and offers loads of opportunities to learn and grow. I like working in a smaller company where the close-knit environment fosters stronger bonds among colleagues, and employees have greater opportunities for visibility and direct impact. Plus, the work conditions are super flexible - remote work and flexible hours!

What really makes my job feel right is the people. We've created this incredible space that's supportive, open, and super flexible. It's all about trust - I trust my colleagues, and they trust my expertise.

In my work, I like the dynamic nature of the project work. There are constant challenges and opportunities for problem-solving. Managing diverse teams and collaborating with experts across various domains provides an intellectually stimulating environment. Additionally, witnessing the tangible impact of successful project implementation on organizational objectives can be deeply satisfying and fulfilling.

If I could have a superpower, I'd totally pick teleportation. Imagine being able to pop over to any place in an instant. Talk about saving time, money, and even helping the environment!

Clocking out

When it's time to clock out, I enjoy unwinding by taking a walk while listening to podcasts. Another enjoyable way to decompress and shift away from work-related thoughts is to gather with friends, collaborate on cooking a meal, and engage in lively conversations about current topics of interest.

Balancing social interactions with personal interests is important to me. In my downtime, I find joy in activities like baking, painting, or indulging in a binge-worthy series. Additionally, I appreciate the soothing effects of ASMR, whether it's the sound of hair brushing, gentle fabric movements, or calming whispers. It's my go-to for relaxation and ensuring a restful night's sleep.

Reminder of the day

I'm so grateful for the amazing people in my life. Both at work and outside it, I'm surrounded by some truly awesome folks. How do my friends see me? They'd probably describe me as compassionate, diligent, and creative.

My advice on starting as a new DOT in our team - go easy on yourself. Learning new stuff takes time. Keep an open mind, be ready to learn, and trust me, you'll be rocking it before you know it.

So there you have it, that's me in a nutshell - your friendly neighborhood Master of Economic Sciences, juggling work and life and everything in between.

My role & skills in short:

Delivery Manager

  • Project and team management
  • Client relationship management
  • Budgeting
  • Scheduling and time management
  • Resourcing
  • Optimizing workflows and delivery processes
  • Supervising service and work quality
  • Tools: Harvest, Cinode, ChatGPT, Jira, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Miro, Make automation, TeamGantt

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