DOT is GPTW certified

We are a Great Place to Work!

Heini Suominen
Heini Suominen

Digitalist Open Tech is proud to have been certified as a Great Place to Work! Great Place to Work is the world's largest workplace study that awards a quality award to the very best in 106 countries. The lists of the best places to work are published annually in media all over the world, from the Financial Times and Fortune Magazine. Digitalist Open Tech continuously participates in the study as part of our work to be a really good place to work.

Achieving this certification is a testament to our commitment to creating a positive and engaging work culture for our employees. This certification is not just a badge of honor; it is also a reflection of the feedback provided by our employees. Total of 100% of our continuously growing team thinks DOT is an exceptionally awesome place to work.

Being certified as a Great Place to Work is not the end goal, but rather a step on our journey towards continuous improvement. We will use this recognition as motivation to keep striving for excellence and creating an environment where our employees can thrive.

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