Open source

Why we take open source seriously

Marc Galang
Marc Galang

The economic value generated by free software developers through code reuse, reduction of effort and economic maintenance costs has been estimated at more than €300 billion for the European economy.

When we develop our customers' applications with open source code, we work based on the principle of "upstream first". This means that many of the improvements we make (features, bug fixes, etc.) we republish to the open source projects at the same time we put them into our customers' applications. We do it because it is the best way to build robust and secure applications and facilitate future upgrades, while at the same time we get the help of thousands of developers from all over the world to further improve the functionality.

By developing smart, we save money and time for our customers in the long run while contributing to the common good, which is why we recommend open source. Just as it should be. We are also active in sharing and spreading knowledge in the form of blog posts, webinars and seminars. As you know, it is a great way to learn more by teaching others. In this way, our developers learn new solutions and techniques while contributing.

Here are 7 reasons why we take open source seriously:

  1. Open source tech is all about collaboration and customizing software to meet specific needs. It's a treasure chest of resources and expertise from a global community, enabling continuous improvement and cutting-edge solutions.
  1. The open source community is a cool ecosystem of developers, contributors, and users who collaborate and share their expertise.  These people create a dynamic environment that promotes transparency, flexibility, and rapid development. The result? High-quality software and cutting-edge advancements in various fields.
  2. Open source slashes licensing costs, allows for software customization, and offers a wide range of ready-to-use tools and libraries. Open source software also tends to have fewer bugs and security issues, as it's developed and maintained by a worldwide community of developers who are continually testing, fixing, and improving the code.
  3. A culture of openness fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and continuous learning. Embracing open source principles enables innovation, effective teamwork, and a sense of collective ownership, promoting transparency and trust.
  4. Did you know major technology companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook, rely on open source as the foundation of their infrastructure? From industry giants to startups, numerous companies have harnessed the power of open source to innovate, gain a competitive edge, and deliver exceptional products and services.
  5. Open source is continuously evolving and adapting to meet the demands of the digital age. Businesses gain access to cutting-edge technologies, stay agile in a rapidly changing market, and have the flexibility to adapt and scale their systems as needed, ensuring long-term viability and growth.
  6. With open source software, you're not locked into using a particular vendor's system with their specific rules and pricing. You have the freedom to modify the software, switch vendors, or even in-house the entire operation.

Read also: Why open source?


Examples of contributions we have made to the open source project Drupal, one of the world's leading CMS:

  • More than 50 modules, distributions and themes, including Varnish, Social media share and Simple GTM.
  • Thousands of commits and posts on
  • Hundreds of blog posts and screencasts about Drupal.
  • Two books about Drupal.
  • Many speeches, BOF and core talks at DrupalCons and DrupalCamps.
  • Organization and co-organization of several European Code Sprints and DrupalCamps
  • Fun stuff ausch as Captain Drupal, the Drupal Inquisition Druplicon Road Trip, Drupal the Card Game and the Kitten Killers.

We are a supporting partner for Drupal!


Examples of contributions we have made to the open source project , an analytics tool that helps you collect and visualize collected data:

  • Several plugins for Matomo (ExtraTools most popular)
  • Contributed code to the Matomo core
  • We continuously add feature requests and bug reports to Matomo's issue queue to make Matomo better
  • We co-arrange and hold several lectures on
  • We regularly hold free seminars about Matomo to spread knowledge
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