cat with sunglasses running

Kicking back to gear: remote workers guide for after summer work mode

Heini Suominen
Heini Suominen

It's that bittersweet time when your mind starts drifting back to the code, the projects, and the tasks that eagerly await your return. Fear not, fellow developers and remote workers, because we've got a playbook to help you smoothly transition from vacation mode to work mode, with a sprinkle of behavioral psychology and a dash of practicality.

1. The Nudge: Micro-Goals

Your brain needs a gentle nudge to get back in the groove. Rather than overwhelming yourself with the entire to-do list, set micro-goals. It could be something as simple as reviewing a single line of code or drafting a quick email to your colleague. Achieving these bite-sized victories will gradually bring back your work mojo.

Example: Today, I'll review and comment on one pull request. Easy peasy!

2. The Power of Environment: Create a Work Oasis

Your surroundings can influence your mindset. Set up a dedicated workspace that tells your brain, "Hey, it's time to work!" Add touches of familiarity, like your favorite mug or a potted plant. This environment shift can trigger your brain to switch gears more effortlessly.

Example: A clean desk, a motivational quote, and my lucky rubber duck - let's do this!

"­Rearrange the desk so it feels like you're not just swiping off dust and continuing where you left off but actually starting a fresh season. Also, coffee. Lots of it." Päivi Rucidlo, our Head of Marketing

3. The Pomodoro Technique: Work, Rest, Repeat

Behold the magic of the Pomodoro Technique! Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. It taps into your brain's affinity for short, focused bursts of productivity and rewards. Not only does it improve your concentration, but it also eases you back into a productive rhythm.

Example: Code for 25 minutes, take a snack break, and maybe a quick dance move.

4. The Dopamine Kick: Gamify Your Tasks

Lure your brain with rewards. Use behavioral psychology to your advantage by gamifying your tasks. Promise yourself a tasty treat or a Netflix episode after completing a certain task. Your brain loves dopamine, and this technique delivers!

Example: Once I finish refactoring this code, it's Netflix time!

5. The Power of Reflection: Celebrate Small Wins

Your brain, though an intricate marvel, can sometimes be a little stubborn. After a rejuvenating vacation, it needs a friendly nudge to transition back to work mode. Behavioral psychology tricks, like micro-goal setting and gamification, tap into your brain's natural reward system. They make work seem less daunting, spark your motivation, and ultimately make your brain say, "Hey, I'm enjoying this!"

I've started to use something "extra" on Monday's coffee, so the day and mood is naturally better if it tastes like caramel." Ritva Aalto, our Director of Finances

(note that spiking your Monday morning coffee with eg. whiskey is not considered as something "extra")

Embrace the Transition and Thrive

As the sun sets on your vacation memories, let's welcome the dawn of productivity. Remember, your brain is a wondrous creation, but even the brightest minds need a little help to kick back into gear. With these simple tricks you'll navigate the post-vacation transition like a pro. Embrace the transition, thrive in your work, and make magic happen!

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